Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Ubuntu One”
u1ftp: a demonstration of the Ubuntu One API
One of the projects I've been working on has been to improve aspects of the Ubuntu One Developer Documentation web site. While there are still some layout problems we are working on, it is now in a state where it is a lot easier for us to update.
I have been working on updating our authentication/authorisation documentation and revising some of the file storage documentation (the API used by the mobile Ubuntu One clients). To help verify that the documentation was useful, I wrote a small program to exercise those APIs. The result is u1ftp: a program that exposes a user's files via an FTP daemon running on localhost. In conjunction with the OS file manager or a dedicated FTP client, this can be used to conveniently access your files on a system without the full Ubuntu One client installed.
Using Mozmill to Test Firefox Extensions
Recently I've been working on a Firefox extension, and needed a way to test the code. While testing code is always important, it is particularly important for dynamic languages where code that hasn't been run is more likely to be buggy.
I had not experience in how to do this for Firefox extensions, soEric suggested I try out Mozmill. which has been quite helpful so far. There were no Ubuntu packages for it, so I've put some together in my PPA for anyone interested: