Canonical Shop Open
The new Canonical Shop was opened recently which allows you to buy anything from Ubuntu tshirts and DVDs up to a 24/7 support contract for your server.
One thing to note is that this is the first site using our new Launchpad single sign-on infrastructure. We will be rolling this out to other sites in time, which should give a better user experience to the existing shared authentication system currently in place for the wikis.
Comments: -
Ubuntus Shop
pvandewyngaerde -
why not openID authentication ??
Wolfger -
I second the "why not OpenID?" question. For an Open solution, it sure seems to be underutilized by FOSS websites.
James Henstridge -
If you look closely, you'll see that OpenID is being used under the hood to authenticate to the shop. As for accepting external OpenIDs as a form of identification, I can't give a time line for that becoming available.
Note that we are depending on a little more than a simple identity URL here though. A Launchpad ID also means we have a verified email address for the account, and don't need to redo that validation when using the shop.